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作者: admin        发布时间: 2021-09-06        浏览次数: 861

1. 在旧住宅区里的房子,相对来讲比较便宜,但往往没有得到很好的维修。(locate)

The house located in old residences are comparatively inexpensive, but are often poorly maintained.

考点locate ,如be located in…  二:comparatively 的拼写 点三:的维翻译

2. 勤洗手是一个良好的个人卫生习惯,它能有效阻止许多传染病的传播。(stop)

Washing hands frequently/regularly is good personal habit, which can effectively stop the spread of many infectious diseases.

考点用法 效阻……(effectively stop the spread of / stop…from spreading)

考点三:infectious 的拼写

3. 事与愿违,因为资金缺乏,他们只好放弃开发那个新的软件。(can not but)

Contrary to their expectation, they could not but give up developing that new software for lack of money/funds.

考点一:愿违(contrary to their expectation) :好,……(can not but do…)

考点三:(developing that new software) 点四: lack 的用法

4. 消息传来说,那场意外火灾赞成了重大损失。(word)

Word came that the unexpected fire (had) caused a great loss.

考点word came that  引导的从句 损失(cause a great loss)

5. 直到他向那位退休女航天员坦白了所有真相,他才真正做到了无愧于心。(it)

It was not until he told the retired woman astronaut all the truth that he really had a clear conscience. 考点it was not until…that…用法 点二:无于心(a clear conscience) 62.虽然他深知吸烟有害健康,但他对我们要他戒烟的忠告却置若罔闻(aware)

Tough he is aware that smoking is harmful to health, he is always turning a deaf ear to our advice that he give

up smoking.

考点be aware of 用法 be harmful to 用法 三:……罔闻(turn a deaf ear to)

6. 那位学者刚回到祖国就被任命为这家享有盛誉的公司的顾问。(shortly after)   山东专升本视频

Shortly after the scholar returned to his motherland, he was appointed (as) consultant of the company with a good reputation.

考点 be appointed as … 二:consultant 的拼写

7. 经理今天心情不好,我刚才被他平白无故骂了一顿。(mood)

The manager is in a bad mood today and just now he scolded me/I was scolded by him without any reason/for no reason at all.

考点(be in bad mood) 二:无故

8. 他对那个作家一无所知,只知道他曾经出版过几本恐怖小说。(except)

She knows nothing about that writer except that he used to public a few horror novels. 考点expect 用法 二:小说 66.北京跟我想象的有很大差别(far)

Beijing is far from what I imagined.

考点be far from   what 导的用法

9. 虽然你没有恶意,但是你刚才的话确实伤害了你的母亲。(harm)

Although you meant no harm, what you said just now did hurt your mother.  山东专升本网课

考点(mean no harm) 此处伤害只能用 “hurt”

10. 科学家们不负众望,成功发射了一枚人造卫星。(live)

The scientists successfully launched a man-made satellite, living up to people’s expectation.

考点(live up to people’s expectation) 卫星(launch a satellite)





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